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Bibliography (B)
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Last modified: 2001-12-15 by antonio martins
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- [baa63]
- Förandet av flagga, standert, befälstecken och igenkänningsflagga m.m.;[Flaggor], Befälstecken, Igenkänningsflaggor
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- [bab75]
- New Glory A Flag History and Design Project for the American Revolution Bicentennial. Part II: New Designs for Flags
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- [bac82]
- Bayerische Fahnen und Fahnenstickerei
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- [bad36]
- Undersøgelse om Ælden af Flags Brug i vort Norden
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- [bae99]
- Notizen zur Fahnensammlung im Historischen Museum Bern
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- [bah80]
- National symbols
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- [bak73]
- Medieval symbolology of the state: Percy E. Schramm’s contribution
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- [ban]
- Banderas
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- [bar]
- Flags of the World
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- [bar51]
- Yacht Flags and Ensigns
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- [bar65]
- Flags of the World
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- [bar66]
- Flags of the World
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- [bar68]
- The flags in the Bayeux Tapestry
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- [bar69]
- Flags of the World
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- [bar71]
- Flags of the World
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- [bar81]
- ?
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- [bas]
- ?
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- [bas86]
- Mexico y sus símbolos
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- [bat00]
- Les emblèmes du Liechtenstein
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- [bay43]
- World flags
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- [bba88]
- Breytt byggðarmerki Akureyrar
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- [bbf79]
- Finsk heraldik i nutiden: Utställning arrangerad av Heraldiska Sällskapet i Finland i samarbete med Societas Heraldica Scandinavica
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- [bbf79a]
- ?
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- [bbj78]
- Etatsemblem for Oljedirektoratet
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- [bbj87]
- Løven som norsk symbol
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- [bbj89]
- Den norske løven
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- [bbj89a]
- Det norske flagget — Stavanger stod bak
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- [bbj89b]
- Et lille traktatbrud
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- [bbj89c]
- Flagget fra 1814
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- [bbj89d]
- Grønt og grått — nasjonalfargene i 1814
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- [bbj89e]
- Havhesten og sjøormen
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- [bbj89f]
- Vårt nasjonalsymbol?
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- [bbj90]
- Den norske løve og Forsvaret
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- [bbj90a]
- Riksvåpenet som ble bortgjemt
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- [bbj90b]
- Symbolenes og ritualenes renessanse?
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- [bbj91]
- Hvite ørn og norske løve
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- [bbj92]
- Norges flagg på skuter fra Stavanger — det forrige århundres flagg- og symbolstridigheter
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- [bbj93]
- Det norsk-svenske unionsvåpenet og andre symbolstridigheter
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- [bbj95]
- De nordiske "Nasjonalløvene"
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- [bbk79]
- The symbols of sovereignty
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- [bbr89]
- Vexilllology: A 25th Anniversary History and A Bibliography of Flag Literature
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- [bbs21]
- Flaget og Barbaresk-Staterne
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- [bce91]
- Flags and Emblems of Australia
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- [bch85]
- Ist die französische Revolution zu Ende? Politische Erfahrung und historisches Symbol im Frenkreich des 20. Jahhunderts
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- [bck]
- Wapens en vlaggen van de nieuwe Friese gemeenten
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- [bcl86]
- The Chosen Few: Biblical Texts in the Regalia of an Ulster Secret Society
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- [bcl98]
- Symbols in Northern Ireland
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- [bcr78]
- Flags of the World
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- [bcr81]
- Flags of the World
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- [bdi]
- Banderín
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- [bdk52]
- Íslenzki fáninn
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- [bdl94]
- Constructing Political Reality: Language, Symbols, and Meaning in Politics
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- [bdm91]
- Symbollexikonet
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- [bdu73]
- Stuttgarter Wappen: Wappenführung und heraldische Traditionen der Stadt und ihre Vororte
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- [bdw78]
- Ein Landeswappen für Mecklenburg(-Vorpommern)
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- [bdx92]
- National sentiment in the enactment and discourse of Swiss political ritual
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- [bdy73]
- Tanker om det nye kgl. danske våben
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- [bdy76]
- Suverænitetssymbolikken i det store danske kongelige våben og dens kulturhistoriske baggrund
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- [bdy79]
- Finsk heraldik — udtryksform og inspirasjonskilde
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- [bdy83]
- Dänische souveränitätssymbolik als vorbild der preussischen 1701
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- [bdy83a]
- Omkring Rigsarkivets mærke
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- [bdy84]
- Valdemarernes løvevåben. Hovedtrek af en teori om de danske kongers politiske motivering for at antage løvefiguren i det 12. århundrede
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- [bdy86]
- Den danske stats våbenmerker i ny streg
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- [bdy86a]
- Grønlands flag
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- [bdy88]
- Der macht- und dynastiepolitische Inhalt des dänischen Köningswappens
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- [bdy88a]
- Grønlands våben
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- [bdy88b]
- Nye kommunevåbener i Norden — Danmark
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- [bdy88c]
- Regulering af officiel dansk heraldik i nutiden
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- [bdy89]
- The cross of the Portuguese Order of Christ in relation to the Danish Cross of Dannebrog
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- [bdy90]
- Danmarks kongelige hjelmtegn
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- [bdy90a]
- Nye kommunevåbener i Norden — Danmark
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- [bdy91]
- Dannebrogskorsets form og visionære baggrund
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- [bdy92]
- Dannebrog — legende og virkelighed
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- [bdy92a]
- Danmarks våben og krone
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- [bdy93]
- Nye kommunevåbener i Norden — Danmark
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- [bdy94]
- Christian IIs våbener og Den gyldne Vlies
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- [bdy95]
- Danmarks våben og krone: Historisk baggrund og retningslinier for brug i nutiden
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- [bdy96]
- Kronor og kors som unionssymboler
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- [bdy97]
- De tre kroner og korset. Unionssymbolik, ambition og rivalitet
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- [bdy99]
- Sønderjysk smagløshet
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- [bdy99a]
- Nye kommunevåbener i Danmark
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- [bea84]
- Battle Flags of the Army of the Potomac Carried at Gettysburg
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- [beb87]
- Some Less Known Aspects of History of Ensigns of Polish Sea Going Vessels 1863-1919
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- [bee12]
- Zum Thema der Darstellung des zweiköpfigen Adlers bei den Byzantinern
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- [beh88]
- The relations between symbols and what they symbolize
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- [bei87]
- Kommunevåpen for Vang
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- [bej97]
- Saint George and the Formation of English Nationalism
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- [bel49]
- Table des Pavillions de le nations que aborent a la mer 1756
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- [bel56]
- Table des Pavillions de le nations que aborent a la mer 1756
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- [ben72]
- Air Organizations of the Third Reich: The Luftwaffe
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- [ber33]
- Heraldiska exlibris
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- [ber34]
- Bergsbrukets heraldiska emblem
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- [ber34a]
- Borgerliga släktvapen
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- [ber35]
- Heraldisk litteratur
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- [ber36]
- På heraldisk utställning
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- [ber39]
- Tre heraldiska mästare
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- [ber46]
- Kommunernas vapenbilder
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- [ber51]
- Heraldisk bilderbok
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- [bet99]
- Buddhist symbolism in Siamese flags
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- [beu14]
- Flag og kommandotegn
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- [beu40]
- Norsk orlogsflagg og vimpel
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- [bfd79]
- History of Battle-Flag Day
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- [bga54]
- Die eiserne "Standarte" und das steinerne "Szepter" aus dem Grabe eines angelsächsischen Könings bei Sutton Hoo (um 650-60)
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- [bge31]
- The golden vanes of Viking ships: A discussion of a recent find at Källunge Church, Gothland
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- [bgg64]
- Constitutionsfeiring og 17.mai-vester
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- [bgj93]
- Heraldry
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- [bgs92]
- Den norske hærs avdelingsmerker
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- [bgt78]
- De finska ordnarnas heraldiska utformning
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- [bgt79]
- De finska ordensinsigniernas heraldiska utformning
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- [bgt79a]
- Heraldik i mynt, sedlar, frimärken och medaljer
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- [bgt87]
- De finska stiftsvapnen
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- [bgt88]
- Russian Imperial State Heraldry as An Instrument to Russianize Finland
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- [bgt89]
- Supplementary badges to the Finnish military uniform (limited to the Army and Air Force)
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- [bgt93]
- Gustaf von Numers
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- [bhc75]
- Grønlands våben
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- [bhk24]
- Norske sigiller fra middelalderen: Kongelige og fyrstelige segl
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- [bhl90]
- Die böhmischen Krönungsinsignien
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- [bhm94]
- Politische Symbole im Austrofaschismus und Nationalsozialismus: 1934 / 1938 / 1945
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- [bia67]
- Svenska flaggans bruk
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- [bia93]
- Den svenska flaggans dag
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- [bid90]
- Le Tricolore et l’étoile: The Origin of the Acadian National Flag, 1867- 1912
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- [bie99]
- Flaggenführung der Schiffe und Boote der deutschen Kriegsmarine nach der Kapitulation 1945
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bha.html#bie99
- [bif08]
- Great Britain v. France: Agreement between Great Britain and France referring to arbitration the right of certain Muscat dhows to fly the French flag
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- [bin23]
- Vaabenets form og navnets form
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- [bio58]
- Bronsvimpeln från Grimsta
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- [bir78]
- Die Reichssturmfahne im Spiegel der Heraldik Württembergs
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- [bir79]
- Banner und Schild der Hohenstaufen von 1220
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- [bjb75]
- Star-Spangled History: Drawings by Joseph Boggs Beale Magic Lantern Artist 1841-1926
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- [bje58]
- Dannebrog fra kongebanner til orlogsflag og fane
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- [bjg89]
- Heraldry of the Portugese Air Forces
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- [bjh98]
- Det norske flagget av 1821
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- [bjo98]
- 17. mai-feiring på slutten av 1800-tallet — en politisk valgkamp?
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- [bjr84]
- Symbolikken i det nye universitetsemblemet
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- [bju71]
- Källmaterialet. Stadens vapen och sigill
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- [bka78]
- Stjørdal kommunes segl. Bidrag til seglets historie og legenden om Sancta Margaretha
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- [bke90]
- Historians, Anthropologists, and Symbols
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- [bkk35]
- Unionsmerke fyrr og no
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- [bkl94]
- Flags of Europe: Symbols of nationhood
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- [bkn17]
- Det islandske Flag
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- [bks28]
- Faner og standarter; [Flaggplansje]
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- [bku94]
- Flagi. belarusi. u~cˆora i. se"nnaˆ
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- [bla81]
- ?
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- [blb97]
- Halvmåne og stjerne på blå bunn
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- [ble87]
- The pine tree as the first American flag
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- [blg96]
- Belgia
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- [bli82]
- De gylne skipsfløyer fra sen vikingetid. Bruk og teknikk
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- [bli83]
- De yngre middelalderske skipsfløyer i Norge
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- [bll30]
- Indian Cavalry Standards
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- [blo20]
- British Naval Flags of Command
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- [blp79]
- Kommentar
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- [bls92]
- Freedom of Speech and Flag Desecration: A Comparative Study of German, European, and United States Laws
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- [blt70]
- ?
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- [blt73]
- ?
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- [blt78]
- ?
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- [blt82]
- ?
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- [blv04]
- Album Shtandartov, Flagov i Vympelov Rossiiskoi Imperii i Inostrannykh Gosudarstv
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- [bmc94]
- Clashing Symbols? A report on the use of flags, anthems and other national symbols in Northern Ireland
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- [bmi81]
- Wappen und Flaggen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Bundesländer
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- [bmn35]
- Flaggen und Farben der Seestadt Rostock und des Landes Mecklenburg
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- [bmv77]
- MDv 161/1: Flaggen-, Salut- und Besuchsordnung für Schiffe/Boote der Bundeswehr (FlaSBO)
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- [bmy99]
- Reclaiming the Croatian Flag
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- [bnc93]
- The Insignia of Identity: Heraldry and the Growth of National Ideologies Among the South Slavs
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- [bnd98]
- Die symbolische Einheit.
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- [bng89]
- Gemeentewapens in Nederland
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bma.html#bng89
- [bnn79]
- Sowjetische Feste und Rituale. I. Die Entwicklung der offiziellen Haltung zu Brauchtum und Feiergestaltungen
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- [bnn79a]
- Sowjetische Feste und Rituale. II. Hauptformen und inhaltliche Bedeutung
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- [bnn79b]
- The changing face of power: Revolution and accommodation in the development of the Soviet ceremonial system: Part I
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- [bnn80]
- The changing face of power: Revolution and accommodation in the development of the Soviet ceremonial system: Part II
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- [bnt89]
- Funnels and Houseflags
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- [bnx93]
- Bernadottevapen
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- [bny82]
- Zur Problematik der Heraldik der antifeudalen Bauernbewegungen
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- [bny91]
- Ungarns nye, gamle våben
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- [bod94]
- The stars and the flags: Individuality, collective identities and the national dimension in Italia ‘90 and Wimbledon ‘91 and ‘92
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- [boe43]
- Vort flag i udlandet
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- [bof95]
- A War By Other Means — Politics, Symbols and the Framework Document
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- [boj79]
- Symbolspråk och masskommunikation
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- [bol90]
- Banderas de los departamentos de Bolivia
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- [bon77]
- Frederik II’s rigsvåben fra ca. 1563
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- [boo00]
- Heraldiken i det politiska landskapet
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- [boo99]
- Heraldiken i det politiska landskapet
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- Special aspects of the use of the red cross or red crescent emblem
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- Betenkning afgivet af Flaglovkommissionen af 19. juli 1927
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- Dannebrog og danske Faner gennem Tiderne
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- Some Southern African Flags, 1940-1991
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- National and Provincial Symbols and flora and fauna emblems of the Republic of South Africa
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- The Union Jack over Southern and Central Africa, 1795-1994
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- The evolution of a distinctive South African heraldic idiom, 1963-1996
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- Deutsches Reich: Wappen, Landesfarben, Flagge, Orden
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- The flags and banners of the British South Africa Company 1890-1923
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- A contribution to the development of the Czechoslovak state flag
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- Municipal Flags in Bohemia
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- A new country, old symbols: Flags and arms of the Czech Republic
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- Several unpublished proposals for the design of the Czechoslovak national flag
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- 1219 — Dannebrog og Estland
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- Vaabenet og flaget
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- Bergens segl, vaaben og flag. Formandskapet godkjender enstemmig Koren Wibergs bearbidelse i detaljer
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- Bergens vaaben i flag og segl
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- Den tretaarnede borg møter fortsat motstand paa sakkyndig hold
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- Australia’s new flag — a pageant of colours and integrated symbols
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- Identity and Wilderness: Ethnography and the History of an Imaginary Primitive Group
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- Eget fylkesvåpen
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- Scotland’s Heraldic Heritage: The Lion Rejoicing
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- The export of Scottish heraldic symbolism
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