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Bibliography (codes [pja] to [prj])
Last modified: 2002-06-14 by antonio martins
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Title: Origins of Heraldry
Medium: book
Main author(s): Beryl Platts
Edition (publisher: place): Procter Press: London (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1980
Catalogue codes: ISBN:0-906650-00-3
Pages: 112
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Title: Om at føre våben
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Kristian Pallesen
Language: Danish
Source title: Danmarks amtsråd
Source number (date): (1999)
Remarks: Details at http://www.ard.fk/da/emner99/debat/debatc6.htm
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Title: Le fleurdelisé
Medium: book
Main author(s): Claude Paulette
Edition (publisher: place): Commission de la Capitale nationale du Québec: Québec (Canada)
Language: French
Edition date: 1997
Catalogue codes: ISBN:2-551-17924-6
Pages: 34
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Title: Kennst du ...? Segelschiffe und Yachten, Dampfer u. Motorschiffe, National-Flaggen, Reederei-Flaggen …
(in English: Do you know ...? Sailing-ships and yachts, steamers and motor ships, national flags, house flags of shipping companies
Medium: book
Main author(s): Theodor Pump
Edition (publisher: place): Herbert Schubert Verlag: Kiel (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 195X
Format: 147×104 mm
Remarks: a booklet containing (inter alia) plates with national flags, signal flags, flags and funnels colours of German shipping companies; year deduced from the
national flags shown (Egypt, Iraq, Syria pre-1958 flags)
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Full Title: Kennst du ...? Segelschiffe und Yachten,
Dampfer u. Motorschiffe, National-Flaggen, Reederei-Flaggen,
Seezeichen und Signale, Knoten und Steke, Winkeralphabet,
Morsezeichen, Signal- und Lichterführung der Schiffe
(in english: Do you know ...? Sailing-ships and yachts,
steamers and motor ships, national flags, house flags of shipping
companies, maritime signs and signals, knots and hitches, semaphore
alphabet, Morse signals, signal and light usage of ships
Title: Sagnet om den himmelfaldne Danebrogsfane
(in English: The legend of the Dannebrog flag which fell from heaven)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): C. Paludan-Müller
Language: Danish
Source title: Fra Videnskabernes Verden
Source number (date): 1 (1873-1874)
Source pages: 77-108
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Title: Political emblems of caste identity: An interpretation of Tamil caste titles
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): J. Pandian
Language: English
Source title: Anthropological Quarterly
Source number (date): (1983)
Source pages: 192-197
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Title: Flash of glory for designer of PNG flag
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Language: English
Source title: Pacific Islands Monthly
Source number (date): (1991)
Source pages: 50-51
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Title: Un difficile probléme, celui de l’origine des armes de Portugal
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hervé Pinoteau
Language: French
Source title: [ghc82c]
Source number (date): (1983)
Source pages: 327-356
Catalogue codes: ISBN:84-00-05343-5
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Title: Survol de la symbolique de l’Etat français
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hervé Pinoteau
Language: French
Source title: [ghc88]
Source number (date): (1988)
Source pages: 451-458
Remarks: Veröffentlichungen des Innsbrucker Stadtarchivs Neue Folge, Band 18
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Title: Nouvelles recherches sur les origines des armes de Portugal
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hervé Pinoteau
Language: French
Source title: [ghc86]
Source number (date): (1989)
Source pages: 421-442
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Title: Fleurs de lis de France et d’ailleurs
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hervé Pinoteau
Language: French
Source title: [ghc96]
Source number (date): (1998)
Source pages: 439-446
Catalogue codes: ISBN:0-7766-0472-4
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Title: Prisma vlaggenboek: met de vlaggen van alle landen van de wereld
(in English: Prisma flagbook: with the flags of all countries of the world)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Jos Poels
Edition (publisher: place): Het Spectrum: Utrecht (the Netherlands)
Language: Dutch
Edition date: 1990
Catalogue codes: ISBN:90-274-2219-2
Pages: 218 + 32
Format: 19 cm
Remarks: Prisma pocket 2691
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Title: Haitian Vodou flags
Medium: book
Main author(s): Patrick Arthur Polk
Edition (publisher: place): University of Mississippi Press: Jackson (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1997
Pages: 72
Remarks: Folk art and artists series.
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Title: Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Origins and Sources of a Mexican National Symbol, 1531-1797
Medium: book
Main author(s): Stafford Poole
Edition (publisher: place): University of Arizona Press: Tucson (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1995
Catalogue codes: ISBN:0-8165-1623-5
Pages: 327
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Title: Slovarh mezˆdunarodnoi~ simvoliki i emblematiki
Medium: book
Main author(s): Viliam Vasilevich Pokhlebkin
Edition (publisher: place): Mezhdunar. otnosheniia: Moskva (Russia)
Language: Russian
Edition date: 1994
Catalogue codes: ISBN:5713305066
Pages: 558
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Title: Vort flag og ungdommen
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Knud Poulsen
Language: Danish
Source title: [vof43]
Source number (date): (1943)
Source pages: 187-198
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Title: Stadt- und Landkreiswappen von Unterfranken
(in English: Town and county arms of Lower Franconia)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Andreas Pampuch
Edition (publisher: place): Verlag Hartdruck: Volkach (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1972 (1st ed.)
Pages: 160
Format: 222×152 mm
Title: Die Wappen der Landkreise und Kreisfreien Städte des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
(in English: The coats-of-arms of the counties and county-free towns of the state Saxony-Anhalt)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Herbert Papendieck
Secondary author(s): Margot Gehrmann; Mechthild Maenecke
Edition (publisher: place): Landesarchiv Magdeburg: Magdeburg (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1996 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-932090-04-7
Pages: 56
Format: 239×150 mm
Remarks: Veröffentlichungen der Staatlichen Archivverwaltung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt Reihe B Kleine Schriften Heft 2
Title: Auto-Almanak 1939-40
Medium: book
Main author(s): H. J. Peppink
Edition (publisher: place): (unknown publ.): Den Haag (the Netherlands)
Language: Dutch
Edition date: 1940
Pages: 300
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Title: Efter Krimkriget — några följdverkningar i Finland
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Hugo E. Pipping
Language: Swedish
Source title: Historisk tidskrift för Finland
Source number (date): 57 (1972)
Source pages: 33-65
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Title: English Civil War Flags, Vol. 1: English Foot
Medium: book
Main author(s): Stuart Peachey; Les Prince
Edition (publisher: place): Partizan Press: (unknown location)
Language: English
Edition date: 1991
Catalogue codes: ISBN:946525846
Pages: 116
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Title: Heraldik og historie
Medium: book
Main author(s): Knud Prange
Edition (publisher: place): Dans Historisk Fællesforforening: København (Denmark)
Language: Danish
Edition date: 1962
Pages: 75
Remarks: Dans Historisk Fællesforforenings Håndbøger.
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Title: Gunnar Scheffer 1909-1981
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Knud Prange
Language: Danish
Source title: [hts]
Source number (date): 45 (1982)
Source pages: 230-231
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Title: Da løverne vendte tilbage til Sønderjylland
(in English: When the lions returned to Sønderjylland)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Knud Prange
Language: Danish
Source title: Sönderjysk Månedsskrift
Source number (date): (1988)
Source pages: 3-12
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Title: Os Símbolos Nacionais
(in English: The National Symbols)
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Presidência da República: Brasília (Brazil)
Language: Portuguese
Edition date: 1986
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Title: The Flag of the United States and Other National Flags
Medium: book
Main author(s): George Henry Preble
Secondary author(s): Charles Edward Asnis (suppl.)
Edition (publisher: place): National Geographic Society: Washington (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1917 (4th ed.)
Previous edition: [pre82]
Remarks: Two volume edition
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Title: Our flag: origin and progress of the flag of the United States of America
Medium: book
Main author(s): George Henry Preble
Edition (publisher: place): J. Munsell:Albany (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1872 (1st ed.)
Pages: 535
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Full title: Our flag: origin and progress of the flag of the
United States of America, with an introductory account of the symbols,
standards, banners and flags of ancient and modern nations
Title: The Flag of the United States and Other National Flags
Medium: book
Main author(s): George Henry Preble
Language: English
Edition date: 1880
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Obsolete entry! Please refer to [pre80]
Title: History of the flag of the United States of America, and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals, and arms, and principal national songs of the
United States (...)
Medium: book
Main author(s): George Henry Preble
Edition (publisher: place): J. Munsell:Albany (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1880 (2nd ed.)
Previous edition: [pre72]
Pages: 815
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Full title: History of the flag of the United States of
America, and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals, and arms,
and principal national songs of the United States with a chronicle
of the symbols, standards, banners, and flags of ancient and modern
Title: The Symbols, Standards, Flags, and Banners of Ancient and Modern Nations.
Medium: book
Main author(s): George Henry Preble
Edition (publisher: place): The Flag Research Center (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1980 (1st ed.)
Pages: 156
Format: 8½×5½ in.
Remarks: Photographic reproduction of the 1880 [pre80] or 1882 [pre82] edition.
It appears to be a photographic reproduction, but since it is only 156 pages
long it must be of only a portion of Preble’s book. The last page mentions
events which happened in 1878 and cites a newspaper account which appeared
in 1880, so it is obviously not from the original, 1872, edition
Ned Smith, 25 Aug 1999
This edition of the Preble book probably includes
only the section on foreign flags. It must be either
the 2nd [pre80b]
or 3rd ed [pre82].
Jamie Woods, 25 Aug 1999
Medium: book
Main author(s): George Henry Preble
Edition (publisher: place): J. Munsell:Albany (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1882 (3rd ed.)
Previous edition: [pre80b]
Pages: 808
Remarks: Similar title as in [pre80b]
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Title: Los símbolos oficiales de Puerto Rico
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Editorial Cordillera: San Juan (Puerto Rico)
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Edition date: 1991
Catalogue codes: ISBN:84-599-1476-3
Pages: 48
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Title: Ordinance on the flag of the Territory ofPrimoriè, 22nd February 1995
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Language: English
Source title: [cdd]
Source number (date): 1/97 (1997.01.05)
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Title: Ordinance on the coat of arms of the territoryof Primoriè, 22nd February 1995
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Language: English
Source title: [cdd]
Source number (date): 11/98 (1998.08.16)
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