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Last modified: 2002-06-11 by antonio martins
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Bibliography entries with incomplete information. If
you can help us fill some of these “holes”, please report
the missing data to the list or
directely to the BIB editor, at the address above ("last
modified by").
The lack of info on thickness and weight
was omited from the entries, as these are missing for
(nearly) all books (but, hey: They do have some
biblioteconomical importance...). If possible, by all
means, inform us about these two items as well.
See also:
[saa01a]: source number |
[sad20]: title in english | height | width |
[sae41]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[saf06]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sah77]: source number | height | width |
[sai86]: source number | height | width |
[sak80]: height | width |
[sal02]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sal99]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | pages | height | width |
[san92]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sap89]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no. | pages | height | width |
[sas83]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sau85]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sav]: frequency | pages | height | width |
[sbb80]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sbc65]: title | language | title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | edition no. | height | width |
[sbg95]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sbh95]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[scg50]: pages | height | width |
[scg54]: pages | height | width |
[scg58]: pages | height | width |
[scg63]: pages | height | width |
[scg66]: pages | height | width |
[sch35]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sch36]: title in english |
[sch52]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sch55]: publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width |
[sch55a]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | edition no. | height | width |
[sch61]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sch61a]: edition no. | height | width |
[sch63]: publisher (name and place) |
[sch64]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sch64a]: title in english | height | width |
[sch67]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sch67a]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sch68]: title in english |
[sch68a]: source number | height | width |
[sch68b]: title in english |
[sch68c]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sch70]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sch72a]: title in english | publisher (name) | source number | height | width |
[sch72b]: title in english | publisher (name) | edition no. | height | width |
[sch72c]: source number |
[sch73]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[scn61]: height | width |
[sco78]: height | width |
[scp82]: height | width |
[sct97]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[scu84]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[scu97]: source number | height | width |
[scw13]: title in english | width |
[sde88]: (main) author(s) | edition no. |
[sdl98]: edition no. | height | width |
[sea94]: height | width |
[seb76]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[seb85]: source number | height | width |
[sed72]: source number |
[see93]: edition no. | pages | height | width |
[see93a]: edition no. | pages | height | width |
[seg90]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sei94]: height | width |
[ser42]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sfb72]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sfl92]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sfz58]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sga95]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sgh91]: edition no. | height | width |
[sgn]: date(s) | edition no. |
[sgu94]: title in english | publisher (name) | edition no. | height | width |
[sgv97]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sha41]: edition no. | pages | height | width |
[shb94]: height | width |
[she89]: edition no. | pages | height | width |
[she94]: edition no. | height | width |
[shf13]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[shl90]: (main) author(s) | edition no. |
[shn79]: edition no. |
[sho23]: (main) author(s) | title in english | pages | height | width |
[sho54]: (main) author(s) | title in english | pages | height | width |
[sho65]: (main) author(s) | title in english | pages | height | width |
[sho78]: (main) author(s) | title in english | pages | height | width |
[sho89]: (main) author(s) | title in english | pages | height | width |
[sht22]: title in english | publisher (name) | source number | pages | height | width |
[shz89]: source number | height | width |
[sib76]: (main) author(s) | title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | edition no. | pages | height | width |
[sie60]: publisher (name and place) | pages | height | width |
[sie62a]: publisher (name and place) | pages | height | width |
[sie66]: edition no. | height | width |
[sie81]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sie96]: pages |
[sig12]: edition no. | width |
[sim84]: edition no. | pages | height | width |
[sin38]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sjw38]: title in english | publisher (name) | edition no. | height | width |
[ske37]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[skn95]: height | width |
[skr80]: edition no. | height | width |
[sks96]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[skz38]: title in english | publisher (name) | source number | pages | height | width |
[sli89]: publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width |
[sll39]: title in english |
[sll40]: title in english |
[slm71]: source number | height | width |
[sln74]: height | width |
[slp30]: pages |
[slr95]: height | width |
[slt98]: title in english |
[slt98a]: title in english |
[slt98d]: title in english |
[slu96]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[slw82]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sme85]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[smh00]: edition no. | height | width |
[smh93]: edition no. | height | width |
[smi65]: edition no. |
[smi69]: edition no. | height | width |
[smi71]: edition no. | height | width |
[smi72a]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[smi72b]: source number |
[smi75a]: edition no. | height | width |
[smi75g]: height | width |
[smi76]: title in english |
[smi76a]: title in english | publisher (name) | height | width |
[smi77]: title in english | height | width |
[smi81d]: publisher (place) | edition no. | height | width |
[smi81s]: height | width |
[smi89]: source number | height | width |
[smj97]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[smk74]: edition no. | height | width |
[smk81]: height | width |
[smk88]: height | width |
[sml64]: pages | height | width |
[smm28]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[smm54]: height | width |
[smm55]: height | width |
[smm55a]: title in english | height | width |
[smm56]: height | width |
[smm56a]: height | width |
[smm56b]: height | width |
[smm56c]: height | width |
[smm56d]: height | width |
[smm56e]: height | width |
[smm69]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[smn01c]: country | edition no. | height | width |
[smn01i]: country | edition no. | height | width |
[smo99]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[smr]: publisher (name and place) | date(s) | edition no. | pages | height | width |
[sms95]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[smt46]: height | width |
[smt47]: pages | height | width |
[smu11]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[smv87]: title in english |
[smz87]: title in english |
[snd75]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sni69]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[snj95]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[snj97]: source number | height | width |
[snn95]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[snn95a]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sno68]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[soe24]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sok97]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sol69]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sol83]: edition no. | height | width |
[sol83a]: pages |
[sol83b]: edition no. | height | width |
[sol85]: edition no. | pages | height | width |
[sol88]: pages |
[som92]: publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width |
[sor86]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width |
[sou83]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[spa94]: height | width |
[spd93]: height | width |
[spd94]: height | width |
[spe74]: title in english | edition no. | pages | height | width |
[spg95]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[spi72]: source number | height | width |
[sps34]: title | publisher (name) | pages | height | width |
[sps38]: publisher (name) | pages | height | width |
[src60]: height | width |
[sre95]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[srn98]: edition no. | height | width |
[srr92]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[srs98]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[srv]: frequency | pages | height | width |
[ssm]: (main) author(s) | publisher (name and place) | date(s) | edition no. | pages | height | width |
[sss45]: (main) author(s) | title in english | source number | height | width |
[ssu80]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[ssy65]: height | width |
[sta71a]: source number |
[sta72a]: title in english | source number | height | width |
[sta74]: edition no. |
[sta74a]: source number |
[sta90]: pages | height | width |
[stb62]: title in english | edition no. | width |
[stb65]: title in english | edition no. | width |
[stb99]: title in english | edition no. | width |
[stc78]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[ste59]: pages | height | width |
[stf54]: source number |
[stg71]: pages | height | width |
[sth72]: source number | height | width |
[sti84]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sti97]: source number | height | width |
[stl99]: publisher (name and place) |
[stm81]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[sto74]: publisher (name and place) | country | edition no. | pages | height | width |
[stp60]: publisher (place) | source number |
[str92]: edition no. |
[stt73]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width |
[stu82]: title in english | source number | pages | height | width |
[stw41]: height | width |
[stz61]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[stz61a]: source number | height | width |
[stz69]: title in english | height | width |
[sua81]: edition no. | height | width |
[sum86]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sup43]: title in english |
[sut01]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sut36]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sut45]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[sut75]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[suw]: title in english | frequency | pages |
[suw50a]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50aa]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ab]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ac]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ad]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ae]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50af]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ag]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ah]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ai]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50aj]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ak]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50al]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50am]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50an]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ao]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50ap]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50aq]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50b]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50c]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50d]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50e]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50f]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50g]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50h]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50i]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50j]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50k]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50l]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50m]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50n]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50o]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50p]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50q]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50r]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50s]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50t]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50u]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50v]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50w]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50x]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50y]: (main) author(s) |
[suw50z]: (main) author(s) |
[sva51]: title in english | edition no. | height | width |
[svb01]: source number |
[svb91]: title in english | publisher (place) | edition no. | height | width |
[svc45]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width |