Situated in the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan, the former
Churchill Memorial Building has been renovated to commemorate
the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty's accession to the throne
in 1992.
The reconstructed building is a home to a collection of
Royal Regalia, including the Royal Chariot, and gold and
silver ceremonial armoury, the jewel encrusted crowns used
during the coronation and a replica of the throne which
His Majesty uses for state occasions. Also included in this
exhibition is a fully documented history of the Constitution
of Negara Brunei Darussalam.
The Royal Regalia Building is open to the public everyday
from 8.30am to 5pm and on Friday, from 9am to 11.30am and
2.30pm to 5pm. Visitors should remove their shoes before
entering the building.