Baked Eggs
A traditional recipes of Mexico. Usually eaten for breakfast.
The speciality of the eggs, is that it is baked, with margerine.
The eggs are baked until the white is firm. Sprinkle parsley
to serve.
Egg In A Nest
Another delicious breakfst dish of the Mexicans. The dish
is prepared by making a hole in the center of a slice of bread,
then fried on both sides until brown. Crack an egg into the
hole in the bread, add parsley and salt and cover using a
frying pan. Cook until the white of the egg is firm. Delicious
to be eaten with salsa.
Huevos Rancheros
This dish serves as a breakfast dish, for those who prefer
to have a heavy meal. The special ingrediant for this dish
are the tortillas. They are fried in hot oil, and added salsa
for flavor. On a plate place the tortillas, and on top of
each tortilla place an egg. Pour salsa on top and serve hot.
Beef Soup (Caldo de Res)
The ingrediants includes beef bone with marrow, pieces of
chambarete, onion, sprig cilantro peeled potato, peas, salt
and pepper as desired. The bones and meat are cooked in a
pan of water with garlic and cilantro. Boil until the meat
is soft, then add potatoes and peas. Sprinkled parsley, to
serve. Best eaten during lunch or dinner.
Caldo Tlalpeno
Soak garbanzos overnight. Cook the chicken, garbanzos, a A
traditional soup of the Mexicans. Earen to keep the body warm
during cold days. The ingrediant includes epazote, chipotle
chili, carrots and green beans. Served with lime and diced
Tortilla Soup
The ingrediants includes fried tortillas, broth, and epazote.
Boil for a few minutes, till cooked and serve hot. Served
with pasilla chili, avocado, sour cream, cheese and sausage.
Can be eaten just like that or with bread.
Chilaquiles is a good way to use up left over tortillas. This
dish makes a wonderful breakfast or a first course. Served
hot, top with onions and cream and accompany with well-fried
A tropical fruit native to Mexico and Central America, though
it's also grown in California and Florida. The sapote is plum-shaped
and about the size of a small orange. The thin skin ranges
in color from chartreuse to yellow. The ivory colored flesh
has a creamy, custardlike texture and a sweet flavor that
is reminiscent of a peach-avocado-vanilla blend. The flesh
contains from 3 to 5 medium-size seeds, which should be removed.
White sapotes are available in the fall in some specialty
produce markets. Ripen at room temperature as you would an
avocado. Store ripe fruit in the refrigerator for up to 3
days. Also called zapote blanco.