The majority of cassava comes from Africa, where it's
an important staple. Also called manioc and yuca , the
cassava is a root that ranges from 6 to 12 inches in
length and from 2 to 3 inches in diameter. It has a
tough brown skin which, when peeled, reveals a crisp,
white flesh. There are many varieties of cassava but
only two main categories, sweet and bitter. The bitter
cassava is poisonous unless cooked. It should be stored
in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Grated,
sun-dried cassava is called cassava meal. Eaten as a
herb, among the elders.
Pot Stickers
Small dumplings made of won ton skins filled
with ground meat or shellfish, chopped water chestnuts,
scallions and seasonings. The pot stickers are browned
on one side, then turned and simmered in broth. Pot
stickers are usually served as appetizers, accompanied
with various dipping sauces.