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Saudi Arabia Festivals and Events

Ramazan (Month of fasting)
Saudi Arabia,
Believers take no food, drink or tobacco from sunrise to sunset. In many cities, the start of the fast is marked each day by a drummer who beats the bounds of each district and the end of the fast by the firing of a cannon. Technically, the fast begins each day at dawn, which for Muslims comes nearly two hours before sunrise. Sunrise marks the end of the first period of prayer. Dawn is reckoned as the time when the sun's first light is seen on the horizon, or, according to a Hadith, when a white cord may be distinguished from a black cord. Traditionally, the fast is broken with a bowl of soup and a special salad (fattoush) but the evening breakfast ('iftar) is often an opportunity for revelling which may go on late into the night.

'Id al Adha
Saudi Arabia,
Festival of sacrifice. The culmination of the Hajj or holy pilgrimage. Commonly a 4 day holiday. Known as Kurban Bayram in Turkish, Hari Raya Hajj in South East Asia and Tabaski in parts of Africa.


Acknowledgements: ASIATRAVELMART.COM

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